page 8~9
The Truth of NICOCIA PROJECT in CEBU ニコシアの真実 濱保泰介著
This booklet is a publication authored by the founder, Taisuke Hamayasu, on the above-mentioned themes and philosophies.The English translation of this page is below.
"Delving into the Secrets of NICOCIA's Language Learning Approach
NICOCIA allows you to learn Japanese faster than anywhere else.
Words are Sounds, Sounds are Culture
In NICOCIA, we value language as sound above all else. Everyone chants the pronunciation of "a i u e o" in unison, and training in tongue twisters and reading aloud is indispensable every day. Sound is the gateway to communication.
Language Acquisition is Mastering Unknown Patterns
At NICOCIA, we teach language as a pattern, and make students copy the model exactly, without any reasoning. Hiragana and Katakana can be mastered in two weeks, without compromise on pronunciation, form, and stroke order. This training is powerful when it comes to memorizing words, reading aloud, reciting, and learning sentence patterns.
You Don't Need Grammar Theory to Learn a Language
At NICOCIA, we teach not how to learn a language, but how to learn through language. We teach not how to teach fun, but how to teach joy. Grammar is taught by foreign senior students to their juniors. And that's enough to see results. "Teaching is learning" is NICOCIA's way of language learning.
Language Acquisition is a Combat Sport
At NICOCIA, we make Japanese debate a daily routine. With various themes each time, everyone divides into pros and cons and argues. Because no one wants to lose, everyone learns words desperately. Before you know it, you've developed a "Japanese brain." "Learning not to learn words, but to learn through words" is NICOCIA's language learning approach.
Language is Learned through Love at Home
NICOCIA discovers a fact that has been recurring since the birth of mankind. The principle of NICOCIA's communication comes from the insights of this fact."