page 16~17
The Truth of NICOCIA PROJECT in CEBU ニコシアの真実 濱保泰介著
This booklet is a publication authored by the founder, Taisuke Hamayasu, on the above-mentioned themes and philosophies.The English translation of this page is below.
NICOCIA is the encounter with kindness and the inspiration from subtle care.
After a long time, you can encounter something that you have forgotten. It is the kindness towards others and the subtle care. Is it really such a joy to be considerate of others? I didn't know that being kind to others could bring so much joy to myself. The essence of communication, where people harmonize with each other, is what Japan and its people are seeking.
■ Profile (Their Journey)
Putting an end to 16 years of single life
He, a 54-year-old man, finally found his match with a 21-year-old Filipina woman he met through NICOCIA after dating for six months. He had been in relationships with several women during his single life, even encountering women who were physically attractive. However, he never once considered marriage. "There was something preventing me from taking the step towards marriage," he said.
NICOCIA changed me
What changed him was the encounter with NICOCIA. He had been an Asia enthusiast, having visited Thailand and the Philippines countless times before. However, he finally found something he had been missing through NICOCIA.
How to NicoCIA
Point 1: How to meet these women
→ Visit NICOCIA.
Point 2: How to find a partner
→ Engage in communication through NICOCIA.