page 20~21
The Truth of NICOCIA PROJECT in CEBU ニコシアの真実 濱保泰介著
This booklet is a publication authored by the founder, Taisuke Hamayasu, on the above-mentioned themes and philosophies.The English translation of this page is below.
NICOCIA Breaks Away from the Past
NICOCIA rejects the notion of "human trafficking" disguised as international bride matchmaking.
It opposes the commodification of brides that violates peace and human rights.
Failed international marriages due to Japanese behavioral patterns
Japanese people tend to import foreign exotic artifacts according to their convenience without proper communication. Once again, in consideration of Japan's "bride shortage," they go overseas to "purchase" a "rare" bride who will come to their home. They believe they have successfully imported the "sexual" and "maternal" aspects of a bride but completely forget the person behind it. They consider language as mere possessions and believe they can learn it after coming to Japan. This is a typical behavioral pattern of Japanese people that has been repeated throughout history and serves as the backdrop for the failure of international marriages.
Uninformed international marriages lead to failure
The geographical location of Japan, along with its peace, also gives rise to "complacency." They are unaware of how high Japan's border walls are for developing countries and how Japanese people can prosper as a result. They mistakenly perceive the economic circumstances of brides as affectionate Japan Money. As a result, there is an influx of bride disappearances and illegal stays after their arrival in Japan. It is only then that the true intentions of the brides become apparent, and it is too late to realize that they were unreliable men lacking in humanity.
Purchasing-based international marriages lead to failure
The international marriage brokerage industry operates in an unregulated "black market" both legally and administratively. It is crucial to understand their methods before becoming a victim. The common practice in matchmaking is the "marriage tour." They employ tactics such as exchanging photos and messages to give the impression that both parties are progressing based on their desires. Even in arranged marriages, mutual agreement is necessary. However, the brokers shift the blame onto the individuals involved, citing "local interpreters." Matchmaking with interpreters turns into a world of self-responsibility where the deceived party is deemed at fault. Relationships built on monetary transactions are bound to collapse.
Communication-less international marriages lead to failure
Marriage is a sacred act, an act that nurtures love and life. Love is born through words. Sharing words is love. Morals primarily serve as guidance. Laws do not enter the realm of a family. Nothing can be achieved without words. Therefore, a marriage without communication is inconceivable. Considering that love will develop after marriage is a recipe for failure in international marriages. The realities of everyday life in Japan and overseas are not as forgiving as to allow for misunderstandings from the start.
International marriages facilitated by bride matchmaking lead to failure
The town of Asahi in Yamagata Prefecture conducted the first-ever group matchmaking event with Filipina women in 1985. Since then, the industry has experienced rapid growth with the entry of private entities. However, both the public and private sectors have failed. The reason behind this failure is the disregard for communication. Marriage cannot be given from above without personal effort, nor can it be easily bought with money. In the end, marriage brokers resort to the constitutional provision that marriage is formed solely through the "mutual agreement" of both parties. However, the constitution does not define human nature; it is the other way around.
International marriages that disregard personal qualities are destined to fail. In the current era where all services are commodified, human character cannot be reduced to a mere commodity. It is the attempt to forcibly commodify it that leads to failure. When searching for a bride, who should be regarded as a complete individual, through the lens of a product, genuine talent remains unseen. Failing to find it, they resort to creating it artificially. Hence, they start with a "defective product" from the beginning. Conversely, this clearly substantiates why NICOCIA can easily discover talent.
With the birth of NICOCIA, the "true history" of international marriages in Japan is set to begin. The lack of a reliable system on the supply side to accommodate the nationwide increase in demand for brides has resulted in such widespread victimization. Ultimately, it took the establishment of the "International Exchange Volunteer Promotion Association" after the implementation of the NPO law in December 1998, followed by nearly two years of practical application and verification, for this reliable system to emerge. With the birth of NICOCIA, it is foreseen that the "true history" of international marriages in Japan will commence. Alongside this, all the old customs, prejudices, crimes, victimization, discrimination, and abuse associated with international marriages will be eradicated from society.