page 14~15
The Truth of NICOCIA PROJECT in CEBU ニコシアの真実 濱保泰介著
This booklet is a publication authored by the founder, Taisuke Hamayasu, on the above-mentioned themes and philosophies.The English translation of this page is below.
Traces and Miracles of NICOCIA.
NICOCIA opens a new era of international marriage through communication.
NICOCIA is not about "arranged marriages," "introductions," or "romantic relationships."
It creates a new form of "communication marriage."
■ Birth of outstanding bride candidates
Japan, as the demand country, can make use of the abundant supply of international talents provided by NICOCIA. However, the current regulations on importing foreign labor and restricting foreigner immigration do not fully capitalize on this potential. On the other hand, there is no regulation on international marriages or marriage brokers in "free country" Japan, which attracts foreigners looking to exploit the marriage system for labor purposes. To break this vicious cycle, the fundamental solution is to utilize NICOCIA's talents as bride candidates and change the landscape of international marriages in Japan.
■ Redefining the meaning of international marriage
NICOCIA promotes Japanese language exchange volunteers, creating miraculous communication talents. Through the international exchange between these talents and Japanese individuals, international romance and "international communication marriage" emerge as byproducts. Words that convey peace give birth to love, and love that binds together seeks peace. Eventually, the fruit of this "international communication family" becomes a force for promoting peace.
■ Transforming the concept of international marriage
NICOCIA aims to transform the concept of international marriage. Instead of treating brides as commodities through international marriage brokers and profit-driven businesses, it becomes a non-profit international exchange project led by NGOs/NPOs. The focus is on enhancing the awareness of each other as human beings, fostering morals that align with the international community, and promoting responsible behavior through intercultural communication and specialized education for grooms and brides.
■ Opening a new era of international marriage
NICOCIA paves the way for a new era of "international communication marriage" in the history of international marriages in Japan. This era will see a reduction in the damages and illegal stays resulting from international marriages, leading to decreased security and management costs for regions and nations. It will be an era where new international marriages are welcomed by the community.
■ Communication as a solution for Japan's declining birthrate
NICOCIA supports an effective approach to counter the declining birthrate in Japan by focusing on "international communication marriage" rather than problematic immigration. It complements the regional revitalization efforts of local governments, supporting community regeneration and promoting "kuniokoshi" (repopulating rural areas). When the interests of individuals, the nation, and the international community align, the benefits circulate across all sectors of society and industry.