page 10~11
The Truth of NICOCIA PROJECT in CEBU ニコシアの真実 濱保泰介著
This booklet is a publication authored by the founder, Taisuke Hamayasu, on the above-mentioned themes and philosophies.The English translation of this page is below.
"Spreading Japanese communication to the world.
NICOCIA conveys Japan through the international dissemination of the Japanese language.
We broadcast the spirit of Japanese peace to Asia. Japan's geographical location has created a uniquely peaceful nation in the world. However, under imperialism, Japan invaded Asia and threatened peace. The path of deep reflection on this is to make international contributions by enlivening the peace constitution.
The international spread of the Japanese language is a national emergency issue. The mission of the Japanese Constitution is to demonstrate to the world that peace can be promoted not by the power of weapons but by the power of words. It is to broadcast Japan's historic culture and message of peace to Asia, different from the American culture known as globalization, through the action of internationally spreading the Japanese language.
Contributing to international peace is a condition for Japan to enjoy prosperity. Japan in the past succeeded by importing advanced cultures, improving them, and then exporting them. Hence, Japan, a trading nation, benefits the most from peace. Therefore, it would be unfair if Japan did not contribute to world peace and give back to the world.
The new national image of Japan is that of a communication superpower. Japan's internationalization has been carried out without human interaction throughout its long history. NICOCIA devises a new style of international contribution where grassroots Japanese people can directly interact, not an unseen Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA). This 'Japanese Language Exchange Volunteer' is a style of private diplomacy where anyone can participate and see each other's faces.
Let's convey to the world a Japan that contributes to peace as a 'communication superpower'."